Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Laboratory Plan OOP WITH JAVA S.E.(EXTC)

Laboratory plan

Experiment Name
Write a program using command line argument                 in java.
·   Echoing Command-Line Arguments.
·   Parsing Numeric Command-Line arguments.
Module 1
Study of simple  java programs
·          WAP to calculate area & circumference of circle
·         WAP to swap given two strings
·         WAP to separate out digits of a number
·            WAP to convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius
·            WAP to find a square , squarroot, and Cube of a given no. using abstraction 
Module 1
Study of different operators in java
·         WAP to compare two numbers.
·         WAP to print truth table for java logical operators
·         WAP to read the number & shift left & right by 3 bits.
Module 1
Write a program for various ways of accepting data through keyboard & display its content.
·         Read through DataInputstream.
·         Read input through Scanner.
·            Read input through BufferedReader.
Module 2
Study of Arrays    
Write a program for addition, subtraction  and
multiplication of  two matrices.
Module 3
Study of Objects and Classes
·         Define a class to represent a bank account. Include the following members:
                name of the depositor
                account number
                type of account
                balance amount in the account

            assign initial values
            deposit an amount
            withdraw an amount after checking balance.
            display the name & balance
·         WAP using this keyword
Module 3
Study of Strings.
            Accept the two strings from user & do the following operations                 
·         convert to lowercase
·         convert to uppercase
·         Replace all appearance of one character by another
·         Compare two strings
·         Derive the substring of a string
·         Derive the position of a character in a string
·         Calculate the length of a string
·         Derive the nth character of a string
Module 2
WAP to implement following constructors
·         Default constructor
·         Parameterized constructor
Module 3
Study of Interface.
  Create an interface Area & implement the same         in different classes
Rectangle ,circle ,triangle.
Module 4
Study of utility package
·         WAP to generate a year using random class and check whether it is leap or not.
·         Write a program to display current date. Also display Time in hours &
                  Minutes using Date class.
Module 4
Study of Inheritance

Module 4
Study of Exception Handling in java.
            Write a program to use throw finally and try catch to handle    exception.
Module 2
Study of Multithreading.
 WAP to illustrate function yield(),  isAlive(), sleep(), join(). Create three threads as P,Q,R. Thread P has maximum priority, thread Q has minimum priority, thread  R has normal priority.
Module 5
Study graphics using applet.
          WAP to draw all geometric shapes and fill them with different  colors.
Module 5

Minimum One project
Suggested list of mini projects
1. Inventory Control System
2. Develop Calculator
3. Develop Editor ( Example: Notepad)
4. Devlop Multimedia App to teach primary students (Sahpes, Colors, etc.)
5. Create an audio or video applet or swing based application with play, pause and stop options.

Note : Small project should be considered as a part of term-work.

Term Work:

At least 10 experiments covering entire syllabus should be set to have well predefined inference and conclusion.
The experiments should be students centric and attempt should be made to make experiments more meaningful, interesting and innovative. Application oriented one mini-project can be conducted for maximum batch of four students.

Term work assessment must be based on the overall performance of the student with every experiments/tutorials and mini-projects are graded from time to time. The grades will be converted to marks as per “Choice Based Credit and Grading System” manual and should be added and averaged. Based on above scheme grading and term work assessment should be done.
The practical and oral examination will be based on entire syllabus.
Students are encourages to share their experiments/mini project codes on online repository.
Practical from any 10 sections out of 14 sections is compulsory . Practical exam slip should cover all at least 10 sections. 

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